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Layer Image


Parameter / Script Name Type Default Function
Layer Source / layerSource Choice Layer Below
Layer / layer Link -
Follow Time / followTime Boolean On When checked, the layer rect is sampled at the local time of the layer pointed to. When unchecked, the layer rect is sampled at the time of this layer
Which / which Choice Post Blend
Render Delegate / render_delegate Choice Filament
AoV / aov Choice Color
Use Parent Comp 3D Settings / inherit3DSettings Boolean On When checked, the 3D renderer settings are inherited from the parent Composition settings.
Output Format / output_format_mode Choice Composition Format
Format / formatPreset Choice HD (1920x1080)
Width / width Float 1920
Height / height Float 1080
Pixel Aspect Ratio / customAspect Float 1
Camera / camera Choice -
Filament Settings / FilamentSettings Category -
Ambient Occlusion / group:Ambient Occlusion Category -
Enabled / filament_ao_enabled Boolean Off
Bent normals / filament_ao_bent_normals Boolean Off
Min. Horizon Angle / filament_min_horiz_angle Float 0 Minimum angle to consider
Quality / filament_ao_quality Choice Ultra
Radius / filament_ao_radius Float 0.3 Ambient Occlusion radius in meters, between 0 and ~10.
Intensity / filament_ao_intensity Float 1 Strength of the Ambient Occlusion effect
Bias / filament_ao_bias Float 0.0005 Self-occlusion bias in meters. Use to avoid self-occlusion. Between 0 and a few mm
Bilateral threshold / filament_ao_bilateral_threshold Float 0.05 Depth distance that constitute an edge for filtering
Power / filament_ao_power Float 1 Controls ambient occlusion's contrast. Must be positive.
Upsampling / filament_ao_upsampling Choice Ultra
Low pass filter / filament_ao_low_pass_filter Choice Ultra
SSCT / filament_ssct_enabled Boolean Off Enable or disable screen space cone tracing for ambient shadows of dominant lights
Light Cone Radius / filament_ssct_light_cone_radius Float 1
SSCT Shadow Distance / filament_ssct_shadow_distance Float 0.3 How far shadows can be cast
SSCT Contact Distance / filament_ssct_contact_distance Float 1 Max distance for contact
SSCT Intensity / filament_ssct_intensity Float 0.8
SSCT Light Direction / filament_ssct_light_direction Float 3D 0, -1, 0
SSCT Depth Bias / filament_ssct_depth_bias Float 0.01 Depth bias in world units (mitigate self-shadowing
SSCT Depth Slope Bias / filament_ssct_depth_slope_bias Float 0.01 Depth slope bias (mitigate self-shadowing
SSCT Sample Count / filament_ssct_sample_count Float 4 Tracing sample count
SSCT Ray Count / filament_ssct_ray_count Float 1 Tracing ray count
Depth of field / group:Depth of field Category -
Enabled / filament_dof_enabled Boolean Off Enable or disable depth of field effect
COC Scale / filament_dof_coc_scale Float 1 Circle of confusion scale factor (amount of blur)
Filter / filament_dof_filter Choice Median filter to use for filling gaps in the kernel
Max aperture diameter / filament_dof_max_aperture_diameter Float 0.01 Maximum aperture diameter in meters (zero to disable rotation)
Max background COC / filament_dof_max_background_coc Float 0 maximum circle-of-confusion in pixels for the background
Max foreground COC / filament_dof_max_foreground_coc Float 0 maximum circle-of-confusion in pixels for the foreground
Native resolution / filament_dof_native_resolution Boolean On perform DoF processing at native resolution
Background Ring Count / filament_dof_background_ring_count Float 0 number of kernel rings for background tiles
Foreground Ring Count / filament_dof_foreground_ring_count Float 0 number of kernel rings for foreground tiles
Fast-Gather Ring Count / filament_dof_fast_gather_ring_count Float 0 number of kernel rings for fast tiles
Fog / group:Fog Category -
Enabled / filament_fog_enabled Boolean Off enable or disable fog
Color / filament_fog_color Color 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1 fog's color
Density / filament_fog_density Float 0.1 fog's density at altitude given by 'height'
Distance / filament_fog_distance Float 0 distance in world units from the camera where the fog starts ( >= 0.0 )
Height / filament_fog_height Float 0 fog's floor in world units
Height falloff / filament_fog_height_falloff Float 1 how fast fog dissipates with altitude
Maximum opacity / filament_fog_maximum_opacity Float 1 fog's maximum opacity between 0 and 1
Fog Color from IBL / filament_fog_color_from_ibl Boolean Off Fog color will be modulated by the IBL color in the view direction.
In-scattering size / filament_fog_in_scattering_size Float -1 size of in-scattering (>0 to activate). Good values are >> 1 (e.g. ~10 - 100).
In-scattering Start / filament_fog_in_scattering_start Float 0 distance in world units from the camera where in-scattering starts
FXAA / filament_fxaa Boolean Off
Multisample anti-aliasing / group:Multisample anti-aliasing Category -
Enabled / filament_msaa_enabled Boolean On
Sample count / filament_msaa_sample_count Float 16
Custom resolve / filament_msaa_custom_resolve Boolean Off
Shadow Type / filament_shadow_type Choice Percentage-Closer Filtered (PCF)
Soft shadows / group:Soft shadows Category -
Penumbra ratio scale / filament_soft_shadows_penumbra_ratio_scale Float 1 Globally scales the computed penumbra ratio of all DPCF and PCSS shadows.
Penumbra scale / filament_soft_shadows_penumbra_scale Float 1 Globally scales the penumbra of all DPCF and PCSS shadows
Screen-Space Reflections / group:Screen-Space Reflections Category -
Enabled / filament_ssr_enabled Boolean Off Enable Screen-Space Reflections
Thickness / filament_ssr_thickness Float 0.1 Ray thickness (world units)
Bias / filament_ssr_bias Float 0.01 Bias, in world units, to prevent self-intersections
Max distance / filament_ssr_max_distance Float 3 Maximum distance, in world units, to raycast
Stride / filament_ssr_stride Float 2 stride, in texels, for samples along the ray
Variance shadow maps / group:Variance shadow maps Category -
Anisotropy / filament_vsm_anisotropy Float 0 Number of anisotropic samples to use when sampling a VSM shadow map
Light bleed reduction / filament_vsm_light_bleed_reduction Float 0.15 VSM light bleeding reduction amount, between 0 and 1
Minimum variance scale / filament_vsm_min_variance_scale Float 0.5 VSM minimum variance scale, must be positive
Mipmapping / filament_vsm_mipmapping Boolean Off Whether to generate mipmaps for all VSM shadow maps
Adjust To Source Format / adjustToFormat Boolean Off When checked, the size of the image is exactly the size of the input format