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Brief Description

Generates a Gradient of various types: Linear, Reflected, Radial, Diamond


Parameter / Script Name Type Default Function
Enabled / enabled Boolean On
Output Format / output_format_mode Choice Unbounded
- Unbounded
- Format Preset
- Composition Format
- Custom Format
Format / format_preset Choice HD (1920x1080)
- PC VIDEO (640x480)
- NTSC (720x486:0.91)
- PAL (720x576:1.09)
- NTSC 16:9 (720x486:1.21)
- PAL 16:9 (720x576:1.46)
- QHD (960x540)
- LHD (1280x720)
- HD (1920x1080)
- VHD (1080x1920)
- UHD 4K (3840x2160)
- VUHD 4K (2160x3840)
- UHD 8K (7680x4320)
- Super35 1K FULL AP (1024x778)
- Cinemascope 1K (914x778:2.00)
- Super35 2K FULL AP (2048x1556)
- Cinemascope 2K (1828x1556:2.00)
- DCP 2K (2048x1080)
- Super35 4K FULL AP (4096x3112)
- DCP 4K (4096x2160)
- Square 256 (256x256)
- Square 512 (512x512)
- Square 1K (1024x1024)
- Square 2K (2048x2048)
- Format 21 (1920x1080)
Format / formatRect -500, -500, 500, 500
Pixel aspect / par Float 1
Type / type Choice Linear
- Linear
- Reflected
- Radial
- Angle
- Diamond
Wrap Mode / wrap Choice Constant
- Constant
- Repeat
- Mirror
Position 1 / pos0 Float 2D 0, 0
Position 2 / pos1 Float 2D 0, 0
Center / center Float 2D 0, 0
Radius / radius Float 2D 100, 100
Angle / angle Float 90
Max Angle / max_angle Float 359.999
Repetitions / num_repetitions Float 1
Offset / offset Float 0
Invert / invert Boolean Off
Bands / lut_size Float 256
Band Interpolation / band_interpolation Choice Linear
- Linear
- Nearest
Gradient / gradient
Colorspace / input_colorspace Choice Project Display Space
- Project Working Space: The color is assumed to be expressed in the project working space
- Project Display Space: The color is assumed to be expressed in the project display space