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Directional Blur

Brief Description

Apply a directional blur to the image. The directional blur accumulates for each pixels many pixels along a path defined by the Transform parameters, in a similar fashion to what the motion-blur does. The higher the quality, the longer is is to render.


Parameter / Script Name Type Default Function
Enabled / enabled Boolean On
Red / process_red Boolean On Enable the red channel in output. Otherwise if there's a source the content of the main source is returned instead, else 0
Green / process_green Boolean On Enable the green channel in output. Otherwise if there's a source the content of the main source is returned instead, else 0
Blue / process_blue Boolean On Enable the blue channel in output. Otherwise if there's a source the content of the main source is returned instead, else 0
Alpha / process_alpha Boolean On Enable the alpha channel in output. Otherwise if there's a source the content of the main source is returned instead, else 0
Position / center Float 2D 0, 0
Scale / scale Float 2D 1, 1
Anchor Point / center_offset Float 2D 0, 0
Rotation / rotate Float 0
Skew / skew Float 2D 0, 0
Skew Order / skew_order Choice XY
- XY
- YX
Invert Transform / invert Boolean Off
Amount / amount Float 1
Centered / centered Boolean Off
Fading / fading Float 0
Quality / quality Float 0.4 Higher means more samples and more quality, at the expense of a slower render
Crop To Composition Format / crop_source_to_comp Boolean On Useful to increase performances when doing large blurs of the size of the composition
Mask / mask Image -
Mix / mix_with_source Float 1 Dissolves between the original image at 0 and the image with the effect applied at 1