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Pixel Analyzer

Brief Description

Analyze pixels in the image and computes statistics such as the minimum, maximum and mean intensities over the whole image or a user-defined region. Statistics are computed per image channel as keyframes on parameters in the RGBA, HSVL and Luminance sub-groups. This is useful to further edit the keyframes or link the parameters to other parameters.

When "Auto Analyze" is checked, the statistics are computed automatically during playback or when scrubbing the timeline. In this mode, if "Override Keyframes" is checked, Autograph will always recompute keyframes. Instead, if unchecked, only missing keyframes will be computed.

When "Auto Analyze" is unchecked, Analysis has to be manually launched by clicking on the "Analyze Frame" or "Analyze Layer Range" buttons.

The Analysis Region can be manually edited by selecting the line and editing the rectangle in the viewport


Parameter / Script Name Type Default Function
Enabled / enabled Boolean On
Analysis Region Mode / roiMode Choice Whole Image The region used to track the pixels. Selecting Analaysis Region and defining a smaller rectangle may improve performances
- Analysis Region
- Whole Image
Analysis Region / analysisRegion -500, -500, 500, 500
Enable RGBA Stats / enableRGB Boolean On When checked RGBA statistics will be computed when analysing
RGBA / rgbaStats Category -
RGBA Min / rgbaMin Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Minimum value
RGBA Max / rgbaMax Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Maximum value
RGBA Mean / rgbaMean Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Mean value
Enable RGBA Advanced Stats / rgbaEnableExtra Boolean Off When checked, the Standard Deviation, Kurtosis and Skewness are also analysed
RGBA / rgbaSdev Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Standard deviation: quantifies the variability of the data
RGBA Kurtosis / rgbaKurtosis Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Whether the shape of the data distribution matches the Gaussian distribution: a value of 0 means it is a gaussian distribution. A flat distribution has a negative value, whereas a peaked distribution has a positive kurtosis
RGBA Skewness / rgbaSkewness Color 0, 0, 0, 0 How symmetrical the distribution is: A value of 0 indicates a symmetrical distribution, an asymmetrical distribution with a tail to the left has a negative skew and a distribution with a tail to the right has a positive skew
Enable HSVL Stats / enableHSV Boolean Off When checked HSVL statistics will be computed when analysing
HSVL / hsvlStats Category -
HSVL Min / hsvlMin Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Minimum value
HSVL Max / hsvlMax Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Maximum value
HSVL Mean / hsvlMean Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Mean value
Enable HSVL Advanced Stats / hsvlEnableExtra Boolean Off When checked, the Standard Deviation, Kurtosis and Skewness are also analysed
HSVL / hsvlSdev Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Standard deviation: quantifies the variability of the data
HSVL Kurtosis / hsvlKurtosis Color 0, 0, 0, 0 Whether the shape of the data distribution matches the Gaussian distribution: a value of 0 means it is a gaussian distribution. A flat distribution has a negative value, whereas a peaked distribution has a positive kurtosis
HSVL Skewness / hsvlSkewness Color 0, 0, 0, 0 How symmetrical the distribution is: A value of 0 indicates a symmetrical distribution, an asymmetrical distribution with a tail to the left has a negative skew and a distribution with a tail to the right has a positive skew
Enable Luminance Stats / enableLuminance Boolean Off When checked Luminance statistics will be computed when analysing
Luminance / lumaStats Category -
Luminance Mode / lumaFormula Choice Rec. 709 Luminance formula used when mode is not None
- Rec. 709
- Rec. 2020
- ACES ap-0
- ACES ap-1
- CCIR 601
- Average: Average of intensities
- Max: Maximum of intensities
Min. Luminance Pixel / minLuminancePixelColor Float 0 RGB values of the pixel with the minimum luminance
Min. Luminance Position / minLuminancePixelPos Float 2D 0, 0 Position of the pixel with the minimum luminance
Max. Luminance Pixel / maxLuminancePixelColor Float 0 RGB values of the pixel with the maximum luminance
Max. Luminance Position / minLuminancePixelPos 2 Float 2D 0, 0 Position of the pixel with the maximum luminance
Auto Analyze / enableAutoAnalysis Boolean On When checked, analysis will be performed on the fly when during playback or scrubbing the timeline. When unchecked, analysis has to be started manually with the Analyze Frame or Analyze Layer Range buttons
Override Keyframes / autoAnalysisOverride Boolean Off Only relevant for auto analysis: When checked, analysis will always override existing keyframes, whereas if uncheked, only non existing keyframes will be computed
Analyze Frame / analyzeFrameButton Button Off
Analyze Layer Range / analyzeRangeButton Button Off
Light/Shadow Colorspace / input_colorspace Choice Project Display Space Colorspace in which the pixel color values are expressed in the baked keyframes
- Project Working Space: The color is assumed to be expressed in the project working space
- Project Display Space: The color is assumed to be expressed in the project display space