Color Difference Key
Parameter / Script Name | Type | Default | Function |
Enabled / enabled | Boolean | On | |
Output mode / output | Choice | Final | - Source: Show the source - Corrected source: Show the source after pre-matte corrections - Raw matte: Show the matte before matte corrections - Corrected matte: Show the matte after matte corrections - Inpainting: Show the map used for the inpainting despill mode - Status: Show matte status. White pixels are fully into the matte, grey pixels are partially into the matte, and black pixels are fully excluded. Green pixels show areas with a change in opacity due to matte correction. - Edge Detect: Show the edge map used for fringe restoration - Final: Show the final result |
Screen Color / key_color | Color | 0, 1, 0, 1 | The screen color to key |
Pre-Matte / Pre-Matte | Category | - | |
Chroma Smoothing / pre_matte_chroma_blur_size | Float 2D | 0, 0 | Smoothes the chroma component before keying. |
Hue Shift / hue_shift | Float | 0 | Hue shift to apply to the image before keying. May help to bring out the screen in the input image if it is not purely green or blue. |
Key / Key | Category | - | |
Clean plate / clean_plate | Image | - | Optional clean plate input. If set, non-transparent pixels of the clean plate take precedence over the specified screen color. |
Alpha bias / alpha_bias | Color | 1, 1, 1, 1 | Alpha bias |
Despill bias / despill_bias | Color | 1, 1, 1, 1 | Despill bias |
Balance / despill_balance | Float | 0.5 | Adjusts the balance between the two non-dominant color channels of the key color. |
Matte / Matte | Category | - | Matte grading and correction parameters |
Garbage matte / garbage_matte | Image | - | Matte used to identify regions to unconditonally remove from the final matte. |
Core matte / core_matte | Image | - | Matte used to identify regions to unconditonally add to the final matte. |
Black Point / matte_blackpoint | Float | 0 | Adjusts the black point of the matte. All values below this are excluded from the final matte. |
White Point / matte_whitepoint | Float | 1 | Adjusts the white point of the matte. All values above this are fully included into the final matte. |
Lift / matte_lift | Float | 0 | Any matte pixels that are black are set to this color. |
Gain / matte_gain | Float | 1 | Any matte pixels that are white are set to this color. |
Multiply / matte_multiply | Float | 1 | Multiplies the matte by this factor. This has the effect of lightening the result while preserving the black point. |
Offset / matte_offset | Float | 0 | Adds a fixed value to the matte. |
Gamma / matte_gamma | Float | 1 | Applies a constant gamma value to the matte. This lightens or darkens the intermediate values of the matte. |
Invert / matte_invert | Boolean | Off | Inverts the matte |
Erode/Dilate / matte_erode_dilate_size | Float | 0 | Erodes (negative value) or dilates (positive value) the matte |
Fringe restoration / matte_fringe_restore | Boolean | Off | Restores the fringes of the matte after correction |
Fringe size / matte_fringe_size | Float | 0 | The size of the fringe to restore on the matte |
Post blur / matte_post_blur_size | Float | 0 | Blurs the corrected matte |
Output / Output | Category | - | |
Despill / despill | Boolean | On | Whether to perform despill. When unchecked, only applies the matte. |
Replace Method / replace_method | Choice | None | Specifies the color replacement method on regions of the matte that have been affected by matte correction - None - Source: Replace with source color - Hard Color - Soft Color - Inpainting: Replace with the color of the nearest pixel that is fully in the matte |
Replacement Color / replacement_color | Color | 1, 1, 1, 1 | Replacement color to use for the Hard Color and Soft Color despill modes. |
Unpremultiply / output_unpremult | Boolean | Off | Unpremultiply output |