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Color Transfer

Brief Description

Transfers color from a reference image to a target image


Parameter / Script Name Type Default Function
Enabled / enabled Boolean On
Red / process_red Boolean On Enable the red channel in output. Otherwise if there's a source the content of the main source is returned instead, else 0
Green / process_green Boolean On Enable the green channel in output. Otherwise if there's a source the content of the main source is returned instead, else 0
Blue / process_blue Boolean On Enable the blue channel in output. Otherwise if there's a source the content of the main source is returned instead, else 0
Alpha / process_alpha Boolean On Enable the alpha channel in output. Otherwise if there's a source the content of the main source is returned instead, else 0
Reference / reference Image - Reference Image from which to transfer the color
Reference Mode / ref_frame_mode Choice Still Frame Whether to use a still frame at the specified timecode or to update the reference at each frame
- Still Frame
- Animated
Reference Still Frame / ref_ref_frame Time 0 Frame timecode to use as Reference
Target Mode / target_frame_mode Choice Animated Whether to use a still frame at the specified timecode or to update the reference at each frame
- Still Frame
- Animated
Target Still Frame / target_ref_frame Time 0 Frame timecode to use to compute the transfer. All other frames will be applied the same transfer function
Cross-Correlation / cross_matching Float 0.5 Cross-correlation coefficient to match the distribution of the input images
Refine Iterations / distribution_matching_order Float 0 Match the color distribution of the source channels by iteratively adjusting higher order characteristics of the data
Auto Saturation / auto_saturation_shift Boolean Off When checked, the saturation mix is computed automatically as the ratio of the largest saturation value in the original image to the largest value in the target image
Saturation Mix / saturation_shift Float 1 Mix saturation between original image and processed image
Shading / shading_shift Float 0.5 Mix shading transfer between full transfer at 1 and target shading at 0
Match Luminance / match_luminance Boolean Off When checked, the luminance distribution in the original image is used to adjust the target image
Add Original Luminance / enable_add_original_luminance Boolean Off When checked, the original image luminance is added to the output image. This is useful to preserve overbrights (values over 1)
Original Luminance Strength / mult_original_luminance Float 0.2 Factor multiplied to the original luminance when Add Original Luminance is checked
Output Saturation / tint_shift Float 1 Mix the output image with the greyscale version of it. Full color at 1 and greyscale at 0
Reference Mask / reference_mask Image - Mask the reference frame so that only regions in the mask are taken into account in the process
Mask / mask Image -
Mix / mix_with_source Float 1 Dissolves between the original image at 0 and the image with the effect applied at 1